Skin Changer

Reviews For Psalm of the Lark

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Reviewer: Katarr (Signed)
12 Jul 2017 20:18

One of my favorite all-time fan fics.  At first, a Batgirl / Harley pairing just seems odd, but this is so well done that it just makes perfect sense.  It's a great love story all around and I probably reread it at least twice a year.  The characterization is perfect throughout, and the plot advances in a surprisingly logical manner.  My only critisismof the story is it's "Teen" rating.  I would have loved more adult content, especially since I am familar with the author's more mature works.

On a personal note - this is the story that introduced me to femslash, Forkanna's stories and ultimately Elsanna.  How could I not love it?


Mourning In The Morning
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