It started with a painting and two broken hearts. It ends with a moonlit bedroom...
AU. Elsa and Anna are the heiresses of different kingdoms and are married as...
Anna's wish that her childhood accident with Elsa never happened is granted...
Stories that take place in the Canon universe and timeline, with the normal cast of characters.
Stories that put Elsa and Anna into a different ship altogether, like "Legend of Korra".
Stories that take place in a similar time and place to the movie, but the characters and relationships may differ significantly from the norm.
Really short works, including Poems, Drabbles and Three Sentence Fics.
Stories that place in a contemporary time and place. Includes High School, College, Business, Starbucks, etc.
These are non-Elsanna works by our Elsanna authors.
Stories that place in a unique time and place. This includes Sci-Fi, Superhero, Vampire, Steampunk, etc.
Copies of author interviews from a variety of sources including the Elsanna Positivity Project.
More than just an archive, we also offer current stories, interviews and a place to check for the latest Elsanna news.
If you are an author, please read our Submission Guidelines before posting. This site is primarily dedicated to Elsanna fiction...not Kristanna, Helsa or the like. Still, if you are an Elsanna author, you are welcome to post your other great stories in the "Non-Elsanna" category. You may also want to check out our Editting Tips and Tricks before you make your first post.
Hey everyone! With the official launch last week of Elsanna.Fans, our team is now on to the next phase of our mission, which is to start adding more content here as well as make some (slight) changes to our look and feel. We've been around a few years and feel that it is time to add some new skins, especially a "dark mode" for late night reading.
I welcome any and all of you to send me a note with any design/theme suggestions you might have. One of the easiest ways to do that is to point me towards a site that you think has a great look and feel so I can tell what you like.
Best form of contact is to email me directly at
Thanks and enjoy the stories!
11 Apr 2023
Just added SootyNoddy as a new Admin. Welcome!
09 Apr 2023
Hey! Just completed our first (temporary) move to another domain for testing purposes!
09 Aug 2018
Putting together author and fic list for a printed fanfic book compilation. Message me on Reddit or Discord if you have stories you want to include!
21 Jul 2018
Great idea for polls... I actually tried to set it up but ran into a snag...I'll keep trying.
17 Jul 2018
idea for a poll question: what was the first Elsanna fanfic you ever read?